Thursday, September 20, 2012

hi and goodnight

hey i love you guys get some good sleep thats going out to my family members fellow bloggers please post comments i am dying to see one

hi and goodnight

Saturday, September 15, 2012

so i hope that eveyone has a good night and i have to blog about this i went to florance alabama i live in haleyville alabama and their was a wreck,we drove by and we missed the accident by...5MINUTES. i watched and this is what i know and saw i was told after we pulled in to help at an abandon store. that a motorcycle had been going to fast and a woman who was pregnant a man and a kid were turning and the motorcycle hit them in the side .instantly the man died and the car fliiped backwards.they came and as we pulled in we watched men put a blanket over the man because he had passed.i can remember praying just sitting there praying a woman was crying and as i walked to her a helicopter was coming we both motione for it to land in the field beside us and he did. by that time i was running to the left side of the lane to see if they made it.i watched as they looked for the heartbeat in the last woman ,the rest dead,i watched as they shook their heads and covered her,she was not a survivor. they all died and i was praying sitting and praying i remember the woman saying this we did what we could.

Friday, September 14, 2012

good morning!!!!

good morning haleyville,al.I hope you have a gooooood day!!!!!Please don't hesitatate to ask any qestoins i'll awnser after school bye!!!!;)

Thursday, September 13, 2012

time to go to grandma's house gotta leave bye blog later.!!
I just wanted to inform youabout here comes honeybooboo my comes on tonight so please watch!!!!;)

my blog and me

Welcome to my blog i am erica stiff .For all city folks out there this blog is not for you.This blog has rednecks,hillbilly's,and other images of southern folks.I hope everybody that is southern looks into my blog.Pictures will be posted in a few hours so follow me.I will have jokes posted and other humerus things.This blog is in no way a bad thing,its ot dirty and it's for kids like me.oh to mention i'm only eleven. enjoy my blog i post every day!!!!!;)